Wednesday, February 27, 2013


Scandal rocks the girls' world as pictures of Ava licking her OWN butt leak online!

Oh, no you di'n't!

Ava and her lawyers are currently suing for damages.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Sorry for the lack of posts! Things got a little hectic around the girls' house last weekend but things are finally calming down. Mum took a video of Ava playing with a the laser toy. She's one fast kitty-cat!

Saturday, February 23, 2013


Alien Cat.

Ava likes to have her face pulled back. She looks so weird! Does your cat have any quirky likes or dislikes?

Also, if you haven't "liked" our facebook page yet, PLEASE DO! The link is on the sidebar.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Ear Hairs...

Ava's ridiculously long ear hair. SO CUTE!

Plus, we have a new signature thanks to our friend Georgia from Passion is Catching. Please check her blog out because it's pretty amazing! AND THANK YOU! MEOW!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Cats to STAY!

Down under in the land of Kiwis, there seems to be someone who entirely missed the CATS-ARE-AMAZING boat (AHEM: Gareth Morgan). The group Cats to Stay is currently calling for 20-45 second long submissions of you and/or you and your friend dancing with your cat(s) to help raise awareness about the issue. Submissions are asked to be private messaged either via or their Facebook page by Saturday, February 23rd.
Here is the video calling for submissions:

Missy, Ava and Mum may or may not be used in the film, but that's okay because we support the cause. You can see our full submission here!

We've got one last thing to say to you, Gareth Morgan:

Ahhh, the smell of cat butt in the morning. (Picture from It Thing.)

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Butt Baths.

Mum is kind of sick of bodily fluids today. She got a touch of food poisoning the other night and barfed up her lovely homemade french onion soup and the key lime pie ice cream she had for dessert. Then she had to clean up two huge barf spots in the basement from Missy, then two huge hairballs from Ava, then...then the butt bath.

Mum's advice: if you have or want a long-haired cat, get used to the idea of butt baths because poop clings to that shit. Mum had to give Missy a butt bath because she had a massive poop stuck to her hair around her booty. It was rather traumatic for all involved.

Missy post-butt bath.

Missy post-butt bath and Ava post-hairball.

Monday, February 18, 2013

From BitStrips.

Mum and Ava forever...

Mum and Ava watching some RomCom together.

Ava just about had a hairball during "No Strings Attached". Yuck.

Also, if you want to create a comic for yourself like these, it's an app on Facebook called "BitStrips". It is hilarious and quite good fun! Just search for it and it should pop up. MEOW!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Cats on the catwalk.

Read this article about a cat on NYC's fashion week catwalk, yet? Well, in an attempt to challenge the common notion that cats cannot be leash trained, Purina ONE paired up with fashion week to take cats on leashes down the runway. Mum and the girls tried to do catwalk poses, but...well see for yourself.

I'm too sexy.

I'm too sexy for my pussy...

...Too sexy for my pussy.

Worked out with Missy, but Ava? Nooooootsomuch.

Poor Pussy!

Poor Pussy Cat!

[NOTE: Neither Missy nor Ava were injured in the making of this post. Mum, however may have been scratched to hell...]

Happy Valentine's Day!



Valentine's Day Purikura!

Whether you're a quirkyalone cat-lady like Mum or a quirky cat-couple, Happy Valentine's Day from Missy, Ava and Mum! We hope you have a day full of love, life and happiness! ♥

Monday, February 11, 2013

Little Owl.

Be there a kitty hiding somewhere?


Ah, there she is! Lookin' like a little owl.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Rebuilding the Relationship.

I shan't ever trust you again, Mother.

Well, Ava has finally begun to warm back up to Mum and Grandpa. Thank goodness, we were worried about her!

Friday, February 8, 2013

Cookies and Cuddles.

Kitty Cookie-Cutters

Coming around, hopefully...

Update on Ava: as you may have read on Facebook, Ava had to have mouth surgery a few days ago. It was very traumatic for her and she stayed hidden in the basement for a couple of days. Grandpa and Mum have been trying to coax her back upstairs, but she is still very wary of us. >.<

Last night was a break-through, though! She finally jumped up on Mum's bed to cuddle with Missy! But this morning, Mum and Grandpa got a call that some chemicals in Ava's liver are higher than normal. We have to take her back in in a few weeks. Please send Ava positive and healing thoughts. We don't want our girl to suffer. Thank you!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Month of Love!

Ava is still very pissed at Mum for taking her to the vet yesterday. She stayed in the basement all night and is now hiding under Mum's bed refusing to let Mum apologize! Mum is very sad. But Missy remains neutral in the situation, haha!


"Don't worry, Mum" Snuggles.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013


Lovely Dreams.

Ava is at the vet today getting her toofies cleaned! Missy doesn't have any teeth, so lucky her! She gets to stay home and nap. Ava, are you jealous???