Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Bye bye blog.

This blog was wonderful and Missy and Ava thank all our followers and lookers. We won't be posting anymore here, but we appreciate all the wonderful feedback we've gotten. Best of luck to our readers!

Friday, July 26, 2013

Been a while!

Sorry to have dropped off the map for a bit. Mum got busy with *life* and neglected her kitty-picture-taking duties! Mum found some great pictures of the girls from 2005-2008!

Thursday, June 27, 2013

CATS TO STAY! Remember them?!

Well, they've launched the video that Ava, Missy and Mum helped submit footage for and it is wonderful. PLEASE GIVE IT A WATCH AND THEN "LIKE" THEIR FACEBOOK PAGE! It would meant the WORLD to us. <3 Cats To Stay Facebook Page.